Saturday, 21 July 2012

Literacy, Numeracy, and The Knowledge of God

I'm getting ready to transition from my summer job at a tutoring center for students with learning disabilities to my 10-months-of-the year-job as a teacher's assistant at a school for kids with learning disabilities. Yea, verily, I am an educator.
Because of this, I thought it time to review my educational philosophy and goals for the next school year.

Here they are, in perhaps, no particular order:
Goals for 2012-2013
  • Teach explicitly by modeling and thinking aloud. Help students generate their own questions.
  • Put into practice the words of Mother Theresa's daily prayer. Pray this prayer daily.
  • Continue to use effective strategies to meet the needs of all students while adding others to my "instructional toolbox".
  •  Teach according to the principles of distributive review and practice.
  • Learn more about the principles and practices of behavior management.
  • Learn more about the principles of assessment, familiarize myself with more assessments, learn how to read the scores.
  • Remember that literacy, and all types of learning, occurs on a continuum, and that every day each of my students is moving up and down this ladder.
  • Enjoy making small talk with parents.
  • Teach according to the principles learned in my college Philosophy of Ed. class:  
man and his telos
teaching and learning
revelation, transformation, and ascent
theological theology
truth and knowledge

I'm too tired to write out detailed information about each of these categories, but once I wrote a paper about it, which you can read if you truly want to know more. 

Monday, 16 July 2012

Tea Time in the Interior Castle

Sometimes it's hard to write. I've been meaning to come back to this stupid blog, again and again, with book reviews or spiritual musings, but it's hard. The hardest thing about living life--real, deep, pure life--is stopping still--standing still--long enough to do so. I know that if I don't write I'll die, I know that for me writing is a form of prayer.

Sometimes life is difficult. Sometimes just doing the bare minimum takes all of my strength. What do I have to say tonight? I'm not sure I know. I've been mulling over the will of God, thinking about what it means to live as God means me to live. Sometimes, it seems simple. Sometimes, I know what I'm called to do. Sometimes, I can tell somehow that God is calling me, leading me deeper into him, and that deep inside his love I will be moved to live a wild and beautiful life.

O, how I want to be pulled into the deep, deep love of God! It's much easier, much safer, much more comfortable to live in the shallows--but I can't stay here forever, because I'll die of thirst. Today I read George Mueller's words about knowing God, about how increasing in the knowledge of God is synonymous with increasing in personal happiness. To the degree that I know God I am happy. To the degree that I doubt God, I am misery personified.

I want to know God. I want to live with him in his life and die with him in his death. But sometimes this feels impossible.

Last week, as I was contemplating life, happiness, and the love of God with a dear friend, she told me that I needed to get my act together because I was supposed to be her "spiritual and wise" friend. I know that I'm supposed to be spiritual and wise. I also know that I rarely live up to this calling. It's hard to live a life of being.

I ought to live deeply. My soul was made for depth, and not breadth, stillness, and not movement. I should dwell inside the sonnet, I should hear the breathy wailing of the wind, I should see every star. My heart would keep well in a cloister.

I'm sitting here, imbibing honeydew green tea and listening to music, because, tonight, this is the closest I can bring myself to stillness, to real life.

As I look around my bedroom, I see the proof, the evidence, of who God is calling me to be. Quotations from St. Julian of Norwich, Emily Dickinson, Brennan Manning, Rumi, Mahmoud Darwish, the Psalms, Sadhu Sundar Singh, and many others line my walls. Icon valentines of St. Brigid of Ireland and Mary the Mother of God are on my mantel. A watercolor portrait of my own face, encompassed by golden halo and wings of inspiration, hangs above a bookshelf.

Looking at all of these things--congregation of word & image, delicate, brightly bound, palm-sized volumes of The Imitation of Christ and The Book of Common Prayer--I see clearly that I am meant to live the life of a contemplative. God, help me to live this life. Imbued with your spirit, sensitive to your voice, obedient and faithful, keep me aware of mystery and beauty wherever it exists. Keep me close to Love, where you are, on the other side of silence.