Showing posts with label doubt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doubt. Show all posts

Tuesday 7 May 2019

To Wrestle with Angels: On Doubt

Here is what I mean by doubt.

I don't think doubt is a virtue or a vice. I think it is a real thing that happens to humans.

I'm not advocating wallowing in a pit of doubt forever because you have given up believing in anything.

I think it's good to be honest about the parts of Christianity (or any faith) that you wrestle with. And I'm using that word, "wrestle," very intentionally. I think of Jacob physically wrestling with God in the OT; that is the picture that comes to mind. Note that Jacob doesn't let go. He holds on. I affirm every single thing in the Apostles' Creed, and I affirm it without much trouble. I believe the Bible is God's word, and I affirm that without much trouble, too.

Wrestling is how the blessing gets in. It's saying, "Perhaps there are things I don't know." Or "Perhaps, the things I know have more facets to them than I previously thought." Or "Perhaps this thing I know is much bigger than I thought." Or "I thought this was smooth, but it has jagged edges." Or "I thought it was soft, but I'm discovering some hard parts." Or "Perhaps I was wrong completely." It takes courage and humility to admit you don't have all the answers all the time.

What I mean is, some days it's hard to believe things, and some days it's not. I want to be honest, and I want people to be honest with me, about what's going on in our lives. I want to live authentically, which to me means being able to say, "God's word says x. I believe that God's word is true. But today, it's hard for me to hold to the truth of x, to a strong, specific belief in x. Ask me again tomorrow."

Or maybe belief is a sliding scale, and it's OK if on Tuesday I 70% believe God and on Friday I 100% believe him. Maybe the Thursday after next I'll be down to 20%. The point is that I'm still somewhere on the scale, that I haven't thrown up my hands and said "Can anything be known? Is anything even true? Does it matter at all?"

Doubt means that sometimes I have to be in a place where I have more questions than answers. Or it means that the answers and questions appear to be mortal enemies. Or they slide off one another like oil and water, and I can't hold them together in one hand. On those days I can hold them in separate hands and say "Lord, I believe. Help thou mine unbelief." Or even, "Jesus, I really don't get this at all. Help me, please." And then I get up and go to work and come home and watch Netflix and wash the dishes. And then I go to bed to wake up and do it again.

It's real and human and OK to not be 100% certain about everything 100% of the time. Jesus is compassionate: he knows our frame, remembers that we're dust.

Different communities of people who love Jesus fall on different sides of this issue. I'm falling on the side of believing that doubt can be a helpful and a healthy tool. The author Kathleen Norris, in her book Amazing Grace, writes “Doubt is merely the seed of faith, a sign that faith is alive and ready to grow.” I actually believe that doubt is a means of engaging with God.

I'm not saying let's all put on berets and smoke cigarettes and talk languidly about our collective ennui and put stones in our pockets and walk into the river to drown ourselves. I'm saying I intend to live in communities where we can admit to faults and failings and uncertainties and let each other sit in those spaces for as long as it takes.

Also, I believe that it's good and OK to say that you're thinking through something, that you're still deciding and don't know where you'll land. I think it's right to say, "I've been told this is true, and I'm still deciding about that. I don't know if I believe it yet." The head and the heart must work together.

I affirm that it's OK to be uncertain. I affirm that it's good to be honest with yourself and with others about your uncertainty. I affirm that I want to leave space for my doubt and the doubt of others.

I affirm that Christianity is a story worth wrestling with.

That's it.

Saturday 17 November 2012

Branding instead of Beauty

It's the third day of my Nativity Fast, and I'm feeling fond of emotional capitalization. At least, I think so. The weather is cooling, though not cold, as though the days are a preface to sacredness, but not the Thing itself. I have to admit that I'm awful at fasting. Why do I even attempt it? I think one day I'll move past the rudimentary acquisition of discipline and begin to gain something from these moments of self-denial. I've begun reading through Isaiah, which seems fitting, because it starts out in a tone as morbid as my own feelings. Oh, how my thoughts are wandering just now. Yesterday, I finished re-reading Home, by St. Marilynne Robinson, and I feel closely connected to the character of Jack Boughton. 

Jack, the Prodigal Son, can't come home even when he is home. I feel like that sometimes. Jack hears but does not understand, and he sees but does not perceive. And he is lonely. Jack is a faithless character who was raised within the Faith (see the emotional capitalization again?). He is surrounded by others whose lives are filled with Love and Virtue, people who are reaching their arms out to him, longing to comfort him, all day long. But Jack cannot be comforted, it is the nature of his affliction to be alone in his vice. I think his character scratches at my heart so sharply because I often feel like him. I think this is one of the reasons it comforted me to read Home again, because sometimes I need to be reminded that loneliness is part of the human experience. We are born into sin, and alienated from God, after all. What could be more lonely than being at odds with the All-Perfect Creator of your own soul?

So people are lonely. Is there anything more to be said?

I'm currently terrified of reaping what I sow. There are so many verses in the Bible concerned with this general principle: "whatever one sows, that will he also reap." I'm more comfortable thinking that the great Gospel Narrative is about helping me not to reap what I sow.   . . .for all have sinned. . .   No one wants to reap the misery of a fallen humanity.

"Tell the righteous that it shall be well with them,
        for they shall eat the fruit of their deeds.
    Woe to the wicked! It shall be ill with him,
        for what his hands have dealt out shall be done to him.

In these next 37 days, I'm going to try to sow actions I'd actually be glad to harvest."

Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things and give me life in your ways.

Sunday 15 April 2012

TULIP: Total Depravity

These days, I'm not much of a Calvinist. I can see the doctrine of predestination in the Bible, so I believe in it. But there are other aspects of Calvinism that do not stand out as clearly to me. One of them is the doctrine of total depravity. I've been thinking about it for years. I can't believe that human beings are worthless. But, please hear me, I do believe--yes and amen--that human beings are all sinful and deserving of the wrath of God. I do not believe that people deserve the grace of Christ. That being said, I want to talk about redemption.

For God to redeem something, for God to restore humanity, it seems to me that something in humanity needed to be reclaimed and salvaged. If fallen mankind is completely and totally wicked/vile/worthless, then what is God saving? It seems he's starting all over again, which isn't exactly what he does. He redeems people who already exist, he didn't destroy the human race and start all over. Also, or more importantly, if human beings are created in God's image, then the essentially good image of God rests in them, is part of them somehow.

All being is derived from God, because God is the only being who truly exists completely of himself, by himself, and in himself. That being said, human beings are borrowers of existence. Existence, being an attribute of God, is good in itself. God is the manifold of all perfections. He is perfect holiness, perfect love, perfect power, perfect existence. God is also perfectly good. Everything about him is good. His love is good, his holiness is good, his power is good, his existence is good. God created the world, and the people in it, and called it good. To be a created thing, to be a creature, is to have been made good by a perfectly good being. Wickedness, sin, evil, is a corruption of the good. Someone being sinful perhaps doesn't mean that they are totally depraved without one spark of good in them at all. Why? Because they exist still, and in existence is goodness. Where is the good in humanity? Well, there isn't much, but there is some, and it is all derived. It comes from being created, from being given existence, from being created to reflect the divine likeness. If humans are, by definition, created in God's image, then to lose that image is to lose one's very existence. Thus, when man fell, he didn't lose God's image, he tarnished it. Dragged it through the dirt, dishonored it. So why do I believe there is goodness in man? Because to be human is to borrow God's very image. And God's image is good.

Here is an image that may help explain my ideas. It's from St. Athanasius' On the Incarnation.

Athanasius says:

You know what happens when a portrait that has been painted on a panel becomes obliterated through external stains. The artist does not throw away the panel, but the subject of the portrait has to come and sit for it again, and then the likeness is re-drawn on the same material. Even so was it with the All-holy Son of God. He, the Image of the Father, came and dwelt in our midst, in order that He might renew mankind made after Himself, and seek out His lost sheep, even as He says in the Gospel: "I came to seek and to save that which was lost. This also explains His saying to the Jews: "Except a man be born anew . . ." He was not referring to a man's natural birth from his mother, as they thought, but to the re-birth and re-creation of the soul in the Image of God.

Think about that for a while.

Here is something I wrote out 3 years ago, while studying fairy tale literature in Oxford:

DOES GOD REDEEM men of a certain mettle? Something in them is worthy already (I think this works for The Lost Princess too). How could someone redeem a slag heap, if there were no diamonds buried in it? To make a slag heap beautiful is to recreate it utterly. To find and brighten the gold specks in a slag heap is to redeem what is worthy and destroy what is unbeautiful. But this thought must make men proud. Calvinism is good at making men humble, because otherwise the slag heap can say, "How fine my gold must really be, for God to dig for me!" Forgetting immediately how a clean, holy, and beautiful God must put his pure fingers into putrid dung to find us. Instead, the slagheap must feel the weight of the awesome love of God, who counts us valuable enough to be worth getting his hands dirty and his heart--and body--broken. The response can only ever be gratitude, humble wonder, and praise. It is this counting us worth the trouble, that renders us with any value at all. We have worth because God says so, and because the light shining in us is one of His borrowed rays.

Perhaps this pokes holes in my own argument, but. . .

*logical conclusion: the devil and demons must have good in them somewhere, since they are created beings.
***BUT: the devil and fallen angels are not create in God's image, perhaps this makes a difference? Also, I'm not a dualist. So, the devil can't be "perfectly" evil, or he would be an opposing equal power to God, which isn't the case. God is the sole divine power and creator, who is blessed forever, amen.

*I think a lot of this might hinge on the idea that evil has no existence, that evil is, instead, a loss of existence.

What do you think?