Showing posts with label paper crafting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paper crafting. Show all posts

Thursday, 9 August 2012

What Are All These Fragments For (Why Aren't You Writing, Ayodele)?

Working makes me feel good and responsible, but not working makes me feel amazing. This week, and probably next week, business is slow, so I'm enjoying lots of time off. The problem with time off  is that it feels so entirely natural--the way I expect Heaven to feel--fantastically new and sweetly familiar. With time off, my creative side takes over. Usually, I spend a great deal of time whining about how I'm bad at choosing creativity, but at times like this I know that I only forsake creativity because I'm tired. I don't feel that my profession demands very much creative spirit, so why does it still suck me dry?

This week a few of my best loved activities have come back. Well, not writing. I'm not counting blog posts as creative expression in written form. But time off this summer has meant indulging in culinary arts and paper crafts. Want to see? Ahem.

First, Art Project 1 of 2
OK, so the picture quality isn't great, but it's a quotation from M. Robinson, my favorite. I've been trying to read through some of her non-fiction this week, but it's too hot for intellectual activity, apparently. This quotation is from Housekeeping, which is my favorite book of hers, next to Gilead. I painted the frame gold because it was originally supposed to gird my $3.50 print of "St. Joseph and the Infant Christ" (see previous post); it turns out that St. Joe and our Young Redeemer look really kitschy in a painted gold frame. Lucky for me, this is not true of anything penned by Marilynne Robinson (or stamped by me). Do you like my color scheme? I'm going to hang it somewhere.

Art Project: 2 of 2
I should have done this one a while ago. This is from the last 3 lines of The Divine Comedy, translated into English of course. I added some black dots to the top left side because it seemed out of balance. I just don't know what to do with it now. I can't frame it, like the other one, and if hang it I'm afraid it won't stay flat. I had to pile books on top of it to keep the edges from curling through the entire process.  Oh!  I added punctuation marks, too (this is so not the final draft). I really need to buy punctuation stamps.

Iced Lollies: 1 of 2
Green tea with lavender. Aromatic, sweet, but not worth the thousand words.
Gratuitous Lavender Field

Iced Lollies: 2 of 2
Watermelon Rosemary Popsicles

These popsicle sticks have wee blue hearts on them because I have another flavor of popsicles in the freezer (in the same mold).

Imagine me using this to make simple syrup. This is the actual rosemary I used.



And these, the actual lemons.

Note the swirly lines in the watermelon.

Everything all mixed up

Avant garde iced lolly molds
Here they are, the finished product. More pinkish now, than reddish.

My name is Ayodele, and I enjoy cutting, stirring, and pasting as an excuse for not writing. Next week, I'll write while looking at my art projects and eating popsicles. I won't have any excuses then--there won't be anything left for me to do.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Matrimonial Theft & Pinwheels

I went to a wedding today that was pinwheel themed. Have I mentioned that I LOVE pinwheels? Could there be anything more whimsical than a pinwheel? I don't think so. They even had pinwheel-shaped cookies. The favors were pencils with pinwheels stuck onto the erasers. Also, I stole one of the larger pinwheel decorations that was stuck in the ground outside the reception. I'm always tempted to steal wedding decorations. This must stop.I don't have space for them and I don't need them. But I like wedding decorations SO much. Maybe I should devote more of my life to arts and crafts. Maybe instead I will just keep going to work and class and chapel and doing my homework. Let's tell the truth.

Lifting wedding decorations. . .not so apropos.