Because of this, I thought it time to review my educational philosophy and goals for the next school year.
Here they are, in perhaps, no particular order:
Goals for 2012-2013
- Teach explicitly by modeling and thinking aloud. Help students generate their own questions.
- Put into practice the words of Mother Theresa's daily prayer. Pray this prayer daily.
- Continue to use effective strategies to meet the needs of all students while adding others to my "instructional toolbox".
- Teach according to the principles of distributive review and practice.
- Learn more about the principles and practices of behavior management.
- Learn more about the principles of assessment, familiarize myself with more assessments, learn how to read the scores.
- Remember that literacy, and all types of learning, occurs on a continuum, and that every day each of my students is moving up and down this ladder.
- Enjoy making small talk with parents.
- Teach according to the principles learned in my college Philosophy of Ed. class:
man and his telos
teaching and learning
revelation, transformation, and ascent
theological theology
truth and knowledge
I'm too tired to write out detailed information about each of these categories, but once I wrote a paper about it, which you can read if you truly want to know more.