Saturday, 21 August 2010

Matrimonial Theft & Pinwheels

I went to a wedding today that was pinwheel themed. Have I mentioned that I LOVE pinwheels? Could there be anything more whimsical than a pinwheel? I don't think so. They even had pinwheel-shaped cookies. The favors were pencils with pinwheels stuck onto the erasers. Also, I stole one of the larger pinwheel decorations that was stuck in the ground outside the reception. I'm always tempted to steal wedding decorations. This must stop.I don't have space for them and I don't need them. But I like wedding decorations SO much. Maybe I should devote more of my life to arts and crafts. Maybe instead I will just keep going to work and class and chapel and doing my homework. Let's tell the truth.

Lifting wedding decorations. . .not so apropos.

This really can't be what I had in mind. . .

I'd sworn off blogging, for ever and ever. So much for constancy.